11-02-2011 Market Musings


Well what about them Greeks?

We want to be part of teh Eurozone Union but we don't want to have any austerity measures implemented.  "Oh can I have my Cake and Pie, Oh and add two scoops of Ice Cream with a cup of Coffee extra cream and jigger of Kahlua?"  Man talk about wanting everything.

Anyway, when the Greek Prime Minister asked for the current bailout that was developed last week be put to a referendum vote the other Eurozone Leaders all gaped and queried "WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY?"

Germany and France specifically want a decision by Mid-December on whether or not Greece will stay part of the European Union.  I guess they figure if Greece wants out, they can cut their loses and not provide any more financial aid.  Greece on the other hand can not survive if they don't get something done, and quickly.  But, unfortuantly another hand out is not in the best interest of the country.  This seems like the Eurozone is empowering Greece by feeding the countries addiction.  A massive intervention is needed (world-wide not just in Greece) that says "NO MORE!".

"We the people and citizens of this world want responsible government not parents holding our hands.   Governments are to work on global issues that interfer with the freedoms of individuals to survive and thrive in society.  Governments are not to regulate every minuscule detail of our lives.  It is not the place of government, any government, to provide for our daily life needs, healthcare or retirement.  We are to be taught responsibility for ourselves,our family, our neighbors and our community. We are to be helped in leanring how to care for ourselves, our familys, our neighbors and our communities.  We are to be encouraged to work with others for the betterment of not only ourselves, our familys, our neighbors and our communities but for our world as a whole.  Give us tools to work with, not handouts to not work.  Empower us as individuals so that we can work together in building a better world, not destroying or let decay the symbols of our excesses.  It is time to become realistic in not only what the needs of the people are, but what can reasonable by provided.  Using Robin Hood tactics to manipulate and hide problems does not solve them but only delays the inevitable." and on and on and on I could go, but I will not.

I saw a saying the other days.  "Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often and for the same reason."  In America we are getting ready to really hit off the next major election campaigns.  It is now that we most ask our current and potential politicians the "Tough Love" questions.  It is now that we drive for change by not re-electing the ineffective, bickering children that currently represent us but to vote in NON-Party affiliate individuals who can think for themselves and for their constituents and agree on making the hard choices and pulling the plug on all of the wasteful, non-effective spending and programs that are the current norm.

I personally would like to see a presidental candidate who is willing to standup during a debate and say "Let's shutdown the Federal Government and all of the Federal Agencies for 6 months and see how much businesses can thrive in a losely regulated competitive environment".  I have said it before, and I will say it again, Shutting down our Government may not really be as bad as you think.

Anyway, I have gotten away from a review of the general financial markets and really dont care to do it now.  I have said enough for today and am tired of typing.  Will revisit this and other issues in the near future.


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